Customer Relationship Management

employees standing behind window

Perks That Make Employees Stay and Thrive

When it comes to workplace engagement and benefits, corporate culture has evolved dramatically. The days of December incentives and expensive watches are long gone. Now, the competitive spirit of recruiting is forcing companies to reconsider how they handle corporate benefits. Some of the most popular corporate benefits are important for 2021, and we’re discussing them

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judge holding defendant hand

Avoiding Lawsuits to Protect Your Company

Limiting risk and protecting your business can often take the same activities. Many businesses were hard hit during the pandemic and it created a ripple effect that had some serious consequences within their communities. Every business is interconnected to others. There are support services and supply chain logistics that can have lasting negative effects on

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workplace injury

Workplace Injuries: What Businesses Should Do to Minimize Risks

A workplace accident is certainly one of the biggest challenges that businesses could face. Having someone injured within your business premises or workspace can cause disruptions in your operations, meaning you can lose a great deal of valuable time. Not only that, but you are also likely to pay for worker’s compensation, which can surely

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business meeting

Emergencies That Business Should Prepare for in the Future

The pandemic taught a valuable lesson as many businesses closed following the shelter-at-home directives by the authorities. While the health crisis was unprecedented, companies should have contingencies in place in case something similar happens in the future. Aside from a health crisis, businesses should also prepare for other types of emergencies. Preparation reduces the effects

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online marketing concept

Create the Best Marketing Strategy for Your Brand with These Ideas

How your products and services are sold relies on your marketing. With proper promotion, you can get your target audience to notice your brand and even have the chance to widen your reach. Choosing the right promotional tactics, what mediums to use, and how you communicate with your target market are meticulous processes, which, when

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workplace conflict

An Essential Guide to Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

James Madison, one of America’s founding fathers and the 4th President country, may have said it best. If men were angels, we would need no laws. And it speaks a lot of truth. Who would need to put people in line if they follow the rules? Of course, that’s all wishful thinking. Not only are

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What to Do When Cancel Culture Goes After Your Brand

They say that bad publicity is still publicity. However, in the time of social media, where every mistake is blown up and immortalized for everyone to see, is there a silver lining in being embroiled in a very public scandal? What It Means to be Cancelled Brands should pay attention to “cancel culture,” a concept

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business concept

How to Improve Productivity at Work

The success of small businesses typically depends on the productivity of their employees. When the employees are productive, the business can thrive and grow. To ensure this, the business should focus on making its employees happy since it will result in better productivity for the business. Better productivity is important for the business to avoid

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business profits

Putting Your First Profits to Good Use

While it may take some time to see profits for your company, it is very gratifying to see the positive numbers on your balance sheet. Now the big question that every entrepreneur has to answer comes up: what to do with it? While it is nice to celebrate a bit, spending it all on that

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