6 Ways to Support Your Community Through Your Business

people having a meeting

Given the current state of the world, there’s no better time to be philanthropic than now. The best part about lending a hand is that the people you’ll be helping aren’t the only ones who benefit from your business’ charitable acts. Doing good fosters a respectable reputation among your community and your employees, and makes it much easier to network and form worthwhile connections with other businesses and customers. There are plenty of unique ways to give back to your community, the following are just a few easy ways you can support those in need through your business.

Launch a fundraising event

Raise money for causes that matter with a fundraising event. This event could be in the form of an auction, a marathon, or a concert. Whatever you end up planning, make sure it aligns with your business and your goals. You’ll end up generating a significant amount of money for organizations who need it most, while also expanding your customer base and professional network. An example of a social impact organization that needs money right now would be the bail funds that rely on donations to bail out or hire a bail bondsman to release jailed protesters across the country.

Contribute your knowledge

Small business owners will always need help and guidance from experienced professionals on how to successfully navigate the entrepreneurial world. As a thriving business owner yourself, the best way to give back to your fellow entrepreneurs is by sharing your knowledge and teaching them valuable skills to help them along the way.

Share your office space

If your office has extra space or if there are certain days and times when you won’t be using it, you can offer to share that space with another small business or a non-profit for free. This is extremely beneficial for them since renting out an office is a large expense that not every start-up and non-profit organization can afford.

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Green your business

Let your business do its part to save the environment by adopting and supporting green initiatives. Start small and involve your workforce first by taking the time to introduce more environmentally-friendly habits in your workplace that can help reduce everyone’s carbon footprint. Then you can expand your scope by partnering with environmental advocacy groups and charities that support efforts to protect and conserve the environment, like the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Environmental Defense Fund.

Promote and buy from small businesses

Buy local products whenever you can, and encourage your employees to do the same. Promote other businesses on your social media profiles and on your website. This is a great way to help out small initiatives while simultaneously promoting your business and building valuable relationships with potential customers and business owners.

Sponsor charitable events

Seek out organizations that are in need of sponsors for a charity event. You can donate money and supplies to help out their efforts. This is a great way to bring attention to these causes, while also maximizing your business’ visibility.

There’s no denying that corporate social responsibility is invaluable. If you’ve ever wanted to give back to your community, now is as good a time as any, and these are just some ways you can do that.

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