Customer Relationship Management

people sharing ideas in the meeting

The Most Essential Business Areas to Focus on When Starting a Business

Every business is different, but there are some essential areas that all companies need to focus on when starting. No matter what kind of business you’re starting, you need to have a solid foundation in the areas that ensure your business is always profitable. Some business owners delegate or outsource certain areas, but it’s essential

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inserting a coin in a piggy bank

Four Great Investment Options For Millennials

Millennials are a unique generation. They are the first generation to grow up with the internet and are constantly connected to their devices. They are also the generation that is most likely to be employed today. They are now part of over 35% of the current workforce in the country. However, millennials don’t just like

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How To Maintain a Good Company Reputation to Your Employees

A business’s reputation is essential. This dictates how the public will see you, and that can give them a sense of whether they want to patronize you or not. If they know that your company is reputable, they’re more likely to trust you, which can bring in more customers and help you maintain an excellent

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home businesswoman

Protecting Your Brand When Running Your Business From Home

These days, more entrepreneurs choose to start and run their businesses from home. According to statistics, home-based brands account for 50% of all businesses in the United States. Also, up to 69% of startups are home-based. One of the main reasons why many startups prefer to work from home is because it’s cost-effective. You don’t have to

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a woman operating a machine

Winning with Woodworking: Creating a Stable Business

Woodworking is a great way to create beautiful and sturdy pieces of furniture and other household items. It can also be a very profitable business venture, but starting and maintaining a successful woodworking business can be challenging. One of the biggest challenges in starting a woodworking business is acquiring the necessary equipment and tools. It

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lead generation

Tips for Taking Advantage of Qualified Leads and Converting Them

Generating leads is essential for any business, but it’s especially important for those in the sales industry. Qualified leads are potential customers who have already shown an interest in what you’re selling, which makes them much more likely to buy from you. So how can you make the most of these valuable prospects? There are

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business owners shaking hands

How to Make Your Small Business Merger Successful?

No one ever said that merging two small businesses would be easy. It can often be quite difficult — but it’s worth it if both businesses can become more vital than ever. Anytime two firms combine, there are bound to be bumps in the road. However, these challenges can be overcome with careful planning and

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couple beside a sold sign in front of a new house

Budgeting Tips for New Homebuyers

If you’re in the market for a new home, it’s important to budget accordingly. According to a recent report by Zillow, the median home price in the United States is $226,000. If you’re not prepared to budget for a home at that price point, you could end up overspending and putting yourself in a difficult

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Protecting Your Company’s Public Image: Best Practices

Many companies face the reality of legal action at some point. According to statistics, 36% and 53% of small firms get involved in at least one lawsuit during any given year. Whether an employee is filing a lawsuit or a customer is taking issue with your product, these cases are often costly and time-consuming. But they can

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