Customer Relationship Management


The Road to Pandemic-free Businesses

The pandemic started in December 2019, and by March 2020, it had started to affect businesses significantly. The pandemic has reached its third year, and companies are still feeling its effects. The pandemic has forced businesses to change how they operate and has resulted in many businesses closing their doors for good. The pandemic has

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crane in a construction site

Increasing Revenues for a Construction Company

Construction companies rely on revenue to stay afloat. If a construction company is not generating enough revenue, it will eventually have to close its doors. This is why construction companies need to focus on increasing their revenue. There are several ways that construction companies can increase their income. Each company will have to find the

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How Companies Can Help Employees Involved in Accidents

Employers are required by law to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees injured on the job in the United States. Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance that provides medical care and income replacement benefits to employees who are injured or become ill due to their job. Employees involved in accidents at work may be

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singapore lion

Tips to Increase Revenue for Businesses in Singapore

Small businesses are the backbone of Singapore’s economy, and as such, they need to find ways to increase revenue. Luckily, there are several things small businesses can do to achieve this goal. This article will discuss some of the best tips for increasing revenue for businesses in Singapore. Increase Prices One of the easiest ways

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Why Preventive and Predictive Maintenance are Critical for Businesses

Maintaining and repairing equipment are essential for businesses of any size. Machinery and vehicles require regular maintenance to run smoothly and prevent costly problems down the road. That’s why companies must have a preventive maintenance plan in place to identify and fix any issues before they cause severe damage. Of course, preventive maintenance is just

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10 Small Business Functions That Can Be Easily Outsourced

Whether you’re just starting out or have been running your own company for years, there are a number of small business functions that can be easily outsourced to save time and help you grow. Outsourcing all of these tasks will free up your time so you can focus on the most important parts of your

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Teaching and Encouraging Financial Literacy in Your Company

Financial literacy simply means having an understanding of finances and how one can effectively use financial skills and management to make informed decisions so that they can protect and preserve their wealth and financial resources. While we can debate all day long about the financial system in the United States and why it works against individuals, it

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man using his phone

5 Ways to Improve Your Business’ Customer Relationships

Maintaining a good relationship with customers is always a priority for any business, big or small. After all, without customers, there wouldn’t be a business in the first place. While it’s always good to have more customers and cast a wide net, you don’t want to lose the support or burn down any other bridges

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