Customer Relationship Management


Where Does Your Money Go? Maximizing Your Earnings for a Stable Life

Becoming an adult can be so tricky. You will have a lot of responsibilities right off the bat. Despite your parents’ efforts to prepare you for your adulthood journey, you will still experience many unexpected challenges that you might have to solve by yourself. Fortunately, you can create stability for your life to help you

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business owner

Financial Steps to Starting a New Business with Self-funding

Every entrepreneur or business owner would agree that finance is among the toughest element of starting a business. From getting the capital you need to sustain the business needs, every phase is crucial for shaping its financial future. If you’re looking to self-fund your very first business, you have the freedom to leverage your financial

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The Future of Mobility: Can Self-Driving Cars Affect Your Business?

Not all drivers are created equal. Despite the standardized training, everyone maneuvers the road their own way. It takes years of experience to be receptive to other drivers nearby. Even then, tons of reckless drivers are waiting to make a swift turn around every corner. Since early American laws were founded on the principle, “an

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person working

5 Ways Businesses can Brace Themselves for Emergencies

Emergencies and disasters affect everyone and can happen when least expected. Businesses, for one, are highly vulnerable to these events since they can be affected in a variety of ways and on different levels of impact. For example, a human-induced fire in a hotel can technically raze everything to the ground in minutes — important

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wearing a mask

A Guide to Effective Business Communication During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed the way businesses all over the world operate. Managing the business and maintaining client relations can be complicated with the limitations imposed by the current pandemic. Communication has become one of the challenges that companies are trying to overcome now that meeting with clients in person is no longer possible. Now, companies

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business plan concept

Why Entrepreneurs Need Lifelong Learning for Business Success

Business owners and entrepreneurs need to constantly nurture a culture of growth and improvement. This means they need to constantly look for new and better ways to run their business. If not, they might lose the opportunity to achieve business goals. Also, if companies fail to evolve, they are more likely to lose an edge

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oil plant

Starting Anew: The Future of the Oil Industry in a Green Economy

The oil industry is one of the most prominent and most affluent industries in the world. The industry is worth a staggering $3.3 trillion, equivalent to about 3.8% of the global economy. That’s huge when you compare to other industries out there that can’t even reach the trillion-dollar mark. Another thing that should surprise you about

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working employees of an ad agency

Advertising Agency: How You Can Start One amid a Crisis

Before the global health crisis, the advertising industry has been a staple for many businesses. For example, social media advertising has been an essential form of marketing for many companies because that is where the customers reside most of the time. This is how they reach the audience and catch their precious attention. This is

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