

How to Maintain Your Day Job While Operating a Small Business

No matter what it’s about, multitasking is a challenge. This is especially true when it concerns your financial sources. Whether it’s your job or your business venture, failing at one can mean big losses. Instead of increasing your income, you might lose a job or hinder the growth of your business. On the bright side,

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In Solidarity: How to Become a Better Ally

Conversations surrounding discrimination are put in the spotlight once again. This comes after the death of 46-year-old African American George Floyd while under local police custody. All over the world, people are protesting for justice and reform of a faulty system discriminating against marginalized groups. In a research article published by the US Proceedings of

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couple torn apart by divorce

Thinking of Moving Out During a Divorce? Read This First

It’s not surprising that a lot of people would want to move out of the family home in the middle of a divorce. In most instances, there’s too much drama that you want to put a great distance away from your soon-to-be-ex. Other times, when the separation is amicable, you would want to start a

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Managing finances

Top Five Ways to Boost Your Finances

Living from paycheck to paycheck is still a reality for many, which can be stressful, especially for breadwinners. But there are a lot of ways to turn things around and make the most out of your time by earning more. Investments are a great way to make money grow at a higher rate, which is

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car accident

4 Car Accident FAQs for All Drivers and Passengers in Utah

Although the fatality rate due to car accidents declined in Utah, injuries and vehicle crashes remain frequent. During the last two months of 2019, authorities had to respond to 600 of these in five days. Anyone who has to be inside a car, whether behind the wheel or as a passenger, may, therefore, have to

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Which U.S. Work Visa is Right for You?

Are you a foreigner interested in working in the United States? If so, you need to either obtain a temporary work visa or an employment-based green card. Each choice has its own set of requirements and advantages. Here’s a short rundown of the most common types so you can determine which one you’re eligible for

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playing with kid

5 Signs You’re Ready for a Family

Starting a family is a huge commitment and responsibility. Many couples, despite being married, still find themselves unprepared to have kids, and that’s fine. Starting a family, after all, will make a huge change in your lives, so it’s ideal to be prepared for it. But what exactly determines whether you’re ready to start a family?

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