Create the Perfect Playroom for Your Kids with These 5 Tips in Mind

Child's room with white bed and Light color window

Parents dream of having an extra room in the house that they can convert into a playroom for their children. If you’re lucky enough to have that extra space, a word to the wise: Think clearly about how you want to build this room. This is where the kids are going to spend a lot of their time. This is where they will learn, play, and imagine. Make sure that this place is where they will be most relaxed and comfortable.

The first thing that you need to do is invest in quality and child-friendly furniture such as a floor chair, a low bed frame, an easy-to-wipe table (perfect for painting), and a bladeless fan, among others. Find things around the house that you can recycle for the room. This keeps the cost of designing the playroom down. Once the things have been collected, you can now begin the process of drawing up the design and executing the plan.

Include the Kids in the Decision Making

Tell your kids about your plan of designing a playroom for them. Ask them what they want for the walls and decorations. Make them a part of this little project of yours. They will love the thought of having their ideas valued. Ask them about their favourite colours and characters. But it is also important to explain to the kids that you cannot accommodate all their requests and that you have to find a sort of compromise. Tell them that some of the things they want might be too expensive so that you have to create these on your own recycling unused items around the house.

Create a Space that Can Grow with Your Kids

This playroom will still be their own little space when they are older. Do not invest in permanent colours, posters, and decorations. If you want to colour the walls, think about purchasing stick-on wallpaper. You can stick it by yourselves, and it is also cheaper than paint. You should avoid designing the room with a specific cartoon character in mind because your children’s preferences will change in about two months or so.

Put up Different Zones

Paly mat for kids room

As much as it is called a playroom, this space is not only for playing. There should be a zone for learning, too, and for creative processes. Turn a corner of the room for studying the alphabet and numbers. The other side of the room can be for colouring and painting. The centre of the room can be where the kids can role-play.

Purge old items

Constantly purge your kids’ things. If you notice that they haven’t been using some toys for a long time, this means that they have clearly lost their interest in those things. Maybe it’s time to put them in a box for donation or a garage sale. If you don’t clean out old toys, you’ll end up with a storage room instead of a playroom.

Invest in a Lot of Storage Boxes

Finally, make sure that you have a lot of storage containers in the playroom. Teach your kids to put their toys there according to categories—building blocks, dolls, stacking cups and rings, etc. Storage boxes will keep everything in the room nice and organized.

Designing a playroom for your kids should be fun and exciting. It should definitely not be a stressful time for you. There’s no timeline for when you should finish the room, so enjoy the process. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

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