Do Business Owners Need a Separate License to Sell Vape Products?

woman using vaping product outdoors

Vaping or e-cigarette continues to draw praises from various communities in Colorado, especially from traditional cigarette smokers who have successfully kicked the bad habit. As a business owner, you may want to include some vaping products on your display shelves to earn additional income. However, it’s important to start by checking if there are additional requirements before you can start selling vape products in your store.

Some Rules Apply

It’s a wise decision to consult a business attorney in Denver, Colorado first if you own a skate shop and you want to sell a few vaping or e-cig products, even if existing retailers don’t need a separate license to sell such products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has some existing vaping restrictions, as the agency recognizes it as a tobacco product. There’s a set of FDA rules you need to strictly follow as a shop owner if you want to include vaping products in your business.

The FDA has required all tobacco and vaping product retailers to verify that consumers are of legal age before they are allowed to purchase. You may not be allowed to use a vending machine to sell vaping products if children are free to enter your retail store. All the vaping products you’re going to sell should bear a health warning as required by the FDA. The FDA will also not allow you to do free product testing or give vaping parts and accessories for free. In addition, other FDA restrictions may apply if you plan to mix your own e-cig juice and sell it.

vape products

Many store owners who want to tap this market find vaping regulations complicated. That’s why it’s highly advisable to seek the help of a business attorney. It’s important that you’re aware of the existing federal and state regulations before you start selling vaping products.

Popular Vaping Products in Denver

As a store retailer, you may sell e-cig juice and vape mods that are either mechanical or variable. Vaping atomizers are also cool to display on your shelves. These are small devices where vapor comes out. If you’re a vaping enthusiast yourself, choosing which products will attract potential consumers will be much easier for you. If you haven’t touched or know anything about vaping and its safe use, learn all the basics first before you start offering vaping products.

There are lots of popular vaping products available, so it may be challenging at first to choose which ones you should have. For example, Murica by Vape Wild’s e-juice called Rocket Popsicle was voted as this year’s tastiest e-juice. So, you can try to check that out. You may also check some of the trendiest vape mods that come in colorful and sleek designs.

To recap, existing business owners in Denver may sell vaping products in their establishments without getting a separate business license. However, it’s important to follow federal regulations in selling vape products as the federal government treats vaping products like tobacco. Before you start selling these, know how to safely use these products.

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