Laws to Remember About Being Neighbourly in Queensland

Elderly neighbors playing chess

Are you new to Queensland? One of your responsibilities is to know how to be an ideal neighbour. For a start, use the facts below.

1. Where do I get information about neighbourhood rules?

Since it can differ from one place to another, the best person or group to approach is your local council. If you live within a closed community, it’s possible there are other specific rules to follow. Often, newcomers will receive an orientation, which can also act as a housewarming. Many of the rules and regulations are similar, so to give you some ideas, you can visit this page from the Queensland government.

2. How do I settle disputes with neighbours?

Disputes among neighbours are usual than you like to think. In fact, the longer you stay there, the more likely you will encounter it.

You have three options on how to deal with them. The first one is to ignore, which is to pretend it is not happening. This might work to your disadvantage in the long run, however, as tensions only increase over time.

The second one is to talk things over with them. You can ask for a neighbourhood mediation kit from the Dispute Resolution Branch. It gives you a set of guidelines on how to approach and discuss matters with the other party.

The third one is to ask for intervention. These may already include other neighbours, the local council, or the Resolution Dispute Branch.

If you need legal advice, you can get help from a property lawyer in Townsville, especially if the root causes are fences and borders. You might also require a lawyer if the negotiations break down or the mediation process didn’t work. When it comes to disputes, the goal is to settle them as civilly and as soon as possible. You want to avoid getting the matters out of hand.

3. What are the familiar sources of problems in a neighbourhood?

There are a lot. These include the following:

  • Fencing and borders
  • Tree upkeep and branch removal
  • Crime
  • Parking
  • Noise including loud parties, construction, and barking dogs
  • Animal control

Note that when it comes to these situations, it may not be the neighbour you should approach. It can be the organisation, the government, or the corporate body. Case in point: trees.

According to the law, the tree is the responsibility of the person who owns the land where it grows. It also doesn’t limit to the branches. It goes to the roots, so if they entrench the property of your neighbour, then you must take care of the roots—if you own the land. If the trees are on public property—say, a park or a road—then you need to call the local council or the territory to take care of them for you.

4. How else can I be a good neighbour?

Shaking hands

There are many ways how to be a good neighbour, and one of these is to participate in the annual Celebrate Neighbour Day if you live in Townsville. It’s every last Sunday of March. It’s one of the best times to show appreciation and create connections with families and people around you.

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