Three Practical Ways to Encourage Children to Study

child reading

One of the biggest challenges parents have today is to get their kids interested in studying. This should not be a surprise; with so many distractions in and outside the home, kids can’t be blamed either. Gadgets, toys, and the internet are making studying a boring activity for kids, because they find it more entertaining than what they learn in school. But this is why parents’ guidance is crucial today more than ever.

Just because homework is done at home does not mean it is less important than the ones kids do at school. For one, it instills a sense of responsibility and reinforces concepts taught inside the schools. So doing homework must become a routine that parents must encourage their children to do. There are many ways parents can get their kids to study, but these three are the most essential:

Be there for them.

As cliche as it may sound, being there for your kids can be the biggest boost you can give to make them listen and do their homework. It can be easy for some parents to command their kids to do their homework and get angry when they don’t, without realizing that they have to be physically involved in the process for their command to work.

How do you do it? You don’t have to be present every time but help them whenever they get stuck in a question, and help them find answers independently. Be patient and understand your kids’ questions and doubts so that they won’t get scared asking you next time they need your help.

Establish this kind of style because this can also create an image that you can be someone they can depend on during hardships. That can go along way beyond just doing homework.

However, when you help them, you have to draw the line between helping and spoon-feeding. These two words are different in meanings. For instance, if your kid asked you a question, instead of directly answering them, you can throw a probing question that will push your kid to analyze the problem deeper, make them think until they come up with the right answer themselves.

That can be more rewarding for the kids when they know they have found the answers themselves to which you must acknowledge.

Make study time an exciting time.

child studying

Often, parents would get angry and yell at their kids for not doing their homework. This parenting style can give their kids the impression that studying is their parents’ way of punishing them when it is supposed to a fun and enjoyable activity.

Create a study routine for your kids that begins with removing the tension and setting the right mood. Do this by starting with the most fun lessons, like piano lessons at home. Did you know that playing the piano reduces stress, improves children’s focus, and makes them smarter? The same effect goes with other musical instruments and other creative activities. Think of it as an ice breaker for the kids and maybe for the parents too.

So after this fun lesson, your kid should be in a better mood to take the rest of his homework. Your kid will be able to finish his homework without the need for yelling.

Acknowledge both small and big achievements but do not overdo it.

Everyone needs a pat in the back from time to time, especially kids. Recognizing your kids’ achievement–no matter how big or small–is crucial for them to keep motivated.

A simple ‘good job’ praise can go a long way in bolstering their self-esteem. It also inspires them to work harder, be persistent, and cooperative.

While praises can lead to helpful outcomes, you have to be careful not to overdo it because it can backfire and do more harm than good to your kids. According to a study, if children are not praised correctly, it can fuel the child’s narcissism.

One great example of giving praise is this:

Instead of saying, “You are a very good student!” you could say, “You did a great job in answering those difficult questions.” This way, you are praising the student with their specific work and not their ability.

Sure, there are more ways to make your children listen to you and do their homework, but these three should top the list.

Parents encouraging their kids to do well in all aspects of their life is okay, but sometimes it can be too much of a kid’s burden. Ensure that you can encourage them the right way so both of you can make studying at home fun and enjoyable.

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